2018 MayFly Contest

Safety & Flight Operations

The Gatineau Gliding Club prides itself on maintaining an active, open, non-retaliatory safety culture.
Visiting pilots are encouraged to review our Safety Management Manual.

Competition Safety

Competing pilots are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to fly with an ELT/PLB/SPOT and FLARM. The task area north of the Ottawa river is not heavily populated and transitions to large areas of boreal forest 10 km north of the river.
All competing pilots must attend the MANDATORY daily pilot/safety meetings at 10:00 AM in the GGC clubhouse. Safety briefings/reviews will also form part of this daily meeting.
Competing pilots that have never flown in a contest will be assigned a "mentor" pilot. Mentor pilot(s) will help their respective "mentee" establish safe contest airmanship/behaviors.

Gridding & Launching

The initial launch position will be determined by lot.There will be a rotation of positions after day 1.

We will announce a Marshalling time and a Grid time at the briefing.The Marshalling time is the time by which we expect all gliders to be assembled along each side of the grid. The Grid time is when we want all gliders to be actually staged on the grid on the runway. Gliders which arrive at the start point after the announced marshalling time will be put at the back of the grid.

All gliders will be launched to 2,000’, generally upwind of the airport.The tow pilots will attempt to find thermals for competitors, but not go out of their way to do so.Pilots can release from tow at any time. Relights will be moved to the back of the grid and get new tows in the order of their landing.

Pendleton Flight & Runway Operations

A wealth of information regarding daily Operational Flight Procedures at GGC is available to visiting pilots HERE.
Club operational procedures related to our most frequently used runways are listed below:
Runway 26 Operations.
Runway 31 Operations.
Runway 13 Operations.

Procedures specific to daily contest gridding/lanching/landing will be briefed at the daily pilots meeting.